How to lose arm fat

Do you start sweating at the thought of being forced into a cardigan on a hot summer's day because you don’t want to expose your arms in a sleeveless top? We’ve been there. Arm fat is rough! It hangs, it’s loose, you’ve got gravity working against you- not fun.

Reducing arm fat can be a difficult task, but it's not impossible. Often, an accumulation of arm fat can be the result of a combination of factors such as genetics, diet, and exercise habits! Even doing the best exercise for flabby arms may not improve the area. 

CoolSculpting to get rid of arm fat

CoolSculpting Elite can’t solve all of your problems, but it can flabby arms. With the newest CoolSculpting technology we can noninvasively target and freeze the fat cells in your upper arms. This treatment is perfect for individuals who have difficulty losing fat in their arms through diet and exercise alone. The results of CoolSculpting  are long-lasting and provide a more defined contour to the arms. Unlike arm liposuction in Virginia beach, CoolSculpting  will kill the fat on your arms without any incisions or needles!

Don't let arm fat hold you back from wearing the clothes you love. With CoolSculpting Elite and a healthy lifestyle, you can regain the confidence to wear sleeveless shirts again. If you are ready to combat the extra tissue on your arms, or you want to learn your CoolSculpting price, give us a call at (757) 761-9317 or schedule your free consultation today!

Weight Loss with Semaglutide

Weight Loss injections in Virginia Beach is a weight loss injection that is approved to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity. Semaglutide weight loss injections are starting to become widely used by the public when they are struggling to lose weight with the traditional diet and exercise. Semaglutide works by mimicking a hormone in your body that tells your brain you are full and to no longer crave. Additionally, Semaglutide slows down your digestive system by increasing the time it takes for your body to process food. Patients on weight loss injections lost an average of 25% of their body weight and greatly improved their overall health. If you are interested in losing weight in more areas than just your arms, you may be a candidate for Semaglutide. 

If you are struggling with obesity, or struggling to lose weight even with diet and exercise, then Cool Body Sculpting Center may be able to help. Give us a call at (757) 761-9317 to Schedule your Free Weight Loss consultation, or follow the link below. 

Skin Tightening on Arms with Radiofrequency treatments

If loose arm skin is more of your concern, then look no further! The Evolve Tite is noninvasive procedure that uses radiofrequency to remodel the tissue and enhance collagen production. A series of 6-8 treatments once a week for 30-45 minutes each is needed. These treatments are very comfortable and can be done during your lunch break. The radiofrequency permanently tightens lax skin while also improving skin tone and texture. Skin tightening on arms can be very hard to improve at home! Moisturizers and different creams are best used for longevity of tight skin and to prevent, but does not do much to tighten skin that is already lax! With the Evolve Tite, not only will you see tighter skin, but your collagen will continue being produced for a long time following your last treatment. 

To find out if you are a good candidate for the Evolve skin tightening, please give us a call at (757) 761-9317

Tone your arms with Evolve Tone

Are you looking for the best exercises to lose arm fat? Look no further! The Evolve Tone uses electromagnetic muscle stimulation to target your muscles, increasing muscle strength. The tone is a noninvasive procedure that enhances the shape and tone of your arms. In addition, the tone can help with muscle recovery. During the treatment you will feel your muscles contract just as they would if you were doing a strenuous arm workout. 

I was pleasantly surprised by my experience here!

Very reasonably priced (especially considering the quality of service) they offer packages if you are getting multiple areas done, and they offer good interest free financing options.
The location itself is easy to find, extremely clean and adorable interior.
Jodie and Kristan are both amazing and so sweet yet very professional and knowledgeable.
I was initially considering getting my arms, knees and chin done; however after a FREE consult Jodie and Kristan said they were more than happy to do my chin but it wasn't suggested because of the lack of mass. I love that they are very honest about what would be best for what your end goal is.
Yesterday I went in for my session for my arms, tomorrow I will be getting my knees done! There was very minimal pain and they do everything in their power to ensure you are comfortable, from snacks, to heating pads, tons of pillows and Netflix!
I have no doubt I'm in the best hands possible for these cosmetic treatments, I'm excited to see my results in the next few months!

Becca C

CoolSculpting Before and After

For more recent results and a larger variety, please visit the following social media accounts!

Evolve Tite results

skin tightening in Virginia beach

Treat your Arms in Virginia Beach

Arm fat can be frustrating. Lax, crepe skin can be even more frustrating.  If non-surgical fat reduction, skin tightening or weight loss sounds like what you need, Cool Body Sculpting Center has the best solutions in Virginia Beach. Our Body Sculpting experts can tell you if you are a candidate and will help support you along the way. Schedule a free consultation by calling (757) 761-9317, or Schedule online today!